Release ~ SRW Gaiden v1.01
Super Robot Wars Gaiden
# Posted on May 29, 2018, 5:28 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

It's been brought to my attention that the base ROM for the Super Robot Wars Gaiden translation was an overdump. Today I'm releasing v1.01, which uses the No-Intro ROM as a base. Fun fact: when the SRW Gaiden project started, the overdump was the only copy of the game available; No-Intro didn't exist! The update also adds in the usual AGTP logo intro, and fixes a small handful of typos. There will likely be another patch at some point down the line to further fix any typos that may crop up, but beyond that there shouldn't be anything of significance that would detract from anyone's enjoyment. Play and have fun!

Major Release ~ Super Robot Wars Gaiden: The Elemental Lords
Super Robot Wars Gaiden
# Posted on May 21, 2018, 11:51 p.m. by Gideon Zhi

Today AGTP releases a complete translation for Super Robot Wars Gaiden: The Elemental Lords. This title details the very beginning of the saga surrounding Banpresto's first original Super Robot War character, and includes aboslutely no licensed units: the story and characters are all entirely original. The art style additionally is non-SD and the game includes several additional tactical elements not present in other SRW titles. It is, in fact, as ideal entrypoint as possible for anyone not familiar with the series.

The translation is complete and without any known issues. Enjoy!
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Announcement ~ Announcing Hero Chronicle
Hero Chronicle
# Posted on May 10, 2018, 11:28 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

Today I'm announcing a translation project for Hero Chronicle: Project Olympus. This is a crossover RPG from Winkysoft and Banpresto, who you'll know from Super Robot Wars. In fact, Masaki Andoh and Shu Shirakawa make appearances as playable characters, and this features the very first appearance of Gilliam Jaeger, a character who will go on to appear in several Super Robot Wars titles. The title screen music from this game actually became Gilliam's SRW theme starting with the PS2 Super Robot Wars Original Generations titles.

I picked up Hero Chronicle for a number of reasons. First, I wanted to dabble with creating a fully-proportional menu font out of a tiled font, a skill which will serve me well in other projects like Madara 2. Second, Gilliam's appearance gives this game historical importance amongst Banpresto's crossover titles. I actually began work on this during the Great Battle endeavor back in January. The script was once again translated by TheMajinZenki, though once again it needs a good edit. And ,as state,d the menus are going to be extremely challenging, but the experience will be a good one and it's already given me some thoughts on how better to handle the other SNES SRW titles' menu problems. It's going to be a bit of a slog to get the rest of the technical work done but I've got a good feeling about it.
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Progress ~ Chaos World Redux
Chaos World
# Posted on April 30, 2018, 4:45 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

Chaos World was one of the very first RPGs I worked on, and as a result the current patch isn't quite up to standard; I had to cut down a *lot* of the text in order to fit the game script back in, and I never released it with a v1.0 status. Today I'm announcing that I still have Xeur's original script before all the paring-down; with the help of TheMajinZenki I've mapped it to a new proper script dump and am preparing it for reinsertion. No new screenshots yet as it hasn't gotten that far, but this is something I'm legitimately excited about and wanted to share the progress that has been made.

Progress ~ Yu Yu Haksuho Tokubetsu-Hen
Yu Yu Hakusho: Tokubetsu-hen
# Posted on April 23, 2018, 5:01 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

Today I'm providing a progress report for Yu Yu Hakusho: Tokubetsu-hen. The main script is translated and inserted, but there's a lot of fiddly technical bits left. I've been slowly re-drawing the menu graphics (the text on the menu items is actually painted on; it's not on a different layer so when it's removed, whatever was supposed to have been underneath it needs to be filled in by hand) and working on the menus. The tournament mode has a few problems and the attract mode still needs to be done, but the project is in fairly good shape. I've replaced the screenshots on the project's page to reflect the work that's been done. No ETA though; other things are taking priority.
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Progress ~ Monstania Redux
# Posted on April 16, 2018, 4:59 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

Monstania was the very first translation patch of meaningful size that I released, and it is correspondingly more than a little creaky in a lot of ways. To that end I've spent some time reworking it. I'd like to be able to have user-entered 8-character names and it still has the weird soft-lock semi-hang bug that the original version has, but I've gotten the script completely retranslated (thanks again to TheMajinZenki, who did JoJo, SRW2, Magical Drop 2, and Masoukishin.) I'm attaching a couple of sample snapshots of current work to this news post, but as they don't reflect the currently available patch I'm not going to add them to the project page. As with Lady Stalker, the Monstania redux's future could go a number of ways; I'm not going to say much more here about it, other than that it's amazing how simple this game is to work on now that I've got nearly 20 years of experience under my belt!
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Progress ~ Magical Drop 2 Commercially Available
Magical Drop 2
# Posted on April 9, 2018, 4:33 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

Today I'm going to be talking a bit about Magical Drop 2. The translation is complete and the game is now fully playable in English, end to end! But I'm not releasing it just yet, primarily because it is currently available for purchase - yes, with the English translation applied - as part of the Data East Classics Collection from Retro-bit. That's right: we've been licensed! I've ticked the progress counter on the project page up to 99 (it doesn't go any higher for projects without downloads) and updated the screenshots to showcase current work. From here I need to ask for some patience while I figure out where Magical Drop 2's future lies.
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Progress ~ Laplace's Demon in Beta Testing
Laplace's Demon
# Posted on April 5, 2018, 5:48 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

Laplace's Demon is a very strongly thematic game. Most years since its original release I'd think to myself, 'I should make sure to get this done for Halloween' or 'Wouldn't it be funny to release this on Valentine's Day' or something along those lines. The problem was that the thought would occur way too close to the holiday in question, and there was never enough time to fully fix the game in time. Then the holiday would pass, and Laplace would once again cease to be a priority.

I'm no longer aiming for a holiday-themed release for this. It's been in playtesting for a while, and a second round is scheduled to start as soon as Masoukishin is done, but there are enough bugs in the original game that it can be kind of hard to tell if an issue is something caused by the translation or if it's something that was always there. In the interests of personal sanity I'm not aiming to fix anything present in the original game, though the new version of the translation does look much nicer than the version I released back in the day. To that end I've completely replaced the screenshot slideshow on the project page with 15 fresh snaps showing the current state of the translation. I don't think this one is very far off, though as usual I'm not going to commit to any given release date.
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Miscellaneous ~ Site Updates, Discord, Etc
# Posted on April 4, 2018, 9:20 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

Hi everyone,

There's an awful lot to talk about, an awful lot that's happened in the last few years that the site has been silent. Some of that's personal and isn't really appropriate for this feed, but there's a ton of news on a bunch of different projects that needs to get shared, and a number of pages on the site are a little creaky with age as well. So for the next little while I'll be posting updates on Mondays and on Thursdays with project news, with site infrastructure updates as they occur.

For today, you'll note that I've removed the "wanted" link from the hotbar; the information in it was old and misleading, it was an extremely manual process to keep it up to date, and in general it is no longer needed. I've replaced it with an invite link to the Aeon Genesis discord. The rules are basically the same as the forum rules.

Of particular note is that several years ago I set up a task and bug tracker, and I've grown to greatly appreciate tickets in the system for keeping track of what needs to be done on a given project. The task lists aren't exhaustive (in particular, one game only has two tasks: "translate the script" and "insert the script") but more get added as projects mature. Additionally, any updates to tickets on public projects are echoed to a channel on the discord. Consider the site to be big-picture news, while the ticket feed is much more fine-grain. You won't see individual bug fix updates on the website, but if you're interested in following the day-to-day, the discord is the way to go.

More soon!

Progress ~ Ladystalker Update
Ladystalker - The Apocalypse Engine
# Posted on April 2, 2018, 5:36 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

Today on "things I haven't talked about in a while", I want to highlight Ladystalker. Some progress has been made in formatting strings for line length, and most (but not all) of the interfaces have been hacked. I've also hacked the scrolling introduction. The work is currently imperfect (see "Lad" instead of "Lady" below) and probably two thirds or more of the game still remains to be checked for both line length and context. For a variety of reasons Ladystalker isn't a priority at the moment, but I did want to drop a note to say progress is being made, if slowly, and that it hasn't been forgotten about.
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( Page 3 of 15 )
Published OnDec. 1, 1995
Initial ReleaseMarch 7, 2006
Latest ReleaseMarch 7, 2006
Current Version1.00