Major Release ~ Hero Chronicle - Project Olympus
Hero Chronicle
# Posted on Dec. 24, 2019, 5:51 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

Roughly two years ago I got it into my head that it would be fun to see the five main Compati Hero games (SD Great Battle 1-5) done and released all at the same time. SRW OG: The Moon Dwellers had released earlier that year - in English no less - and SDGB seemed like they would be good/important from a historical perspective. Hero Chronicle joined that list shortly thereafter.

The translation is fully complete and without any known issues. Enjoy!
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Major Release ~ Super Robot Wars 3 2.0 Redux
Super Robot Wars 3
# Posted on June 24, 2019, 1:25 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

It's been six months to the day since AGTP released the translation patch for Super Robot Wars EX; today, a patch releases for Super Robot Wars 3 that brings it up to the standard set by EX. This is a dramatic improvement over the patch released at the end of 2002 in nearly every sense, technically, linguistically, and aesthetically. The bad names have been fixed, the translation has been doublechecked, and the game has been completely re-hacked from the ground up using the code written for SRW EX.

The new release is complete and should be issue-free; enjoy!
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Major Release ~ Super Robot Wars EX
Super Robot Wars EX | Super Robot Wars 3
# Posted on Dec. 24, 2018, 6:50 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

Sixteen years ago, AGTP released a translation for Super Robot Wars 3. Today, we release the immediate followup: Super Robot Wars EX. Lots of progress has been made in those years, and the work done to EX presents a new gold standard for translation hacking to the SNES SRW primary canon. The release is complete and should be issue-free; enjoy!

As an aside, the work on EX has been successfully back-ported to Super Robot Wars 3, and an update to that patch that both fixes the numerous name translation mistakes and improves the technical presentation is in the works. A further update on that is forthcoming. In the meantime, EX works well as a stand-alone game or as a mid-story palette-cleanser for The Elemental Lords.

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Major Release ~ Shin Megami Tensei if... v1.00
Shin Megami Tensei: if...
# Posted on Oct. 25, 2018, 12:06 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

It's been a long road, but today AGTP releases a complete translation for Shin Megami Tensei if... on the Super Nintendo/Super Famicom. For me personally this journey has encompassed a second undergraduate degree, a cross-country move, a complete career change, multiple periods of both employment and unemployment, the licensure of one of our translation patches, and the beginnings of a family, in addition to having to deal with several project-related IRC and Discord raids, hate speech, and generalized harassment from the SMT community at large. It's done, and I *will* maintain the patch should anyone find any bugs or typos. But that's it.

I do this for the enjoyment of the process, to challenge myself to produce work of ever-higher caliber. if... hits a high enough bar at this point that I'm satisfied releasing it. I hope everyone who's been clamoring for the patch gets some enjoyment out of it; I'll let the game speak for itself.

With Majin Tensei 2 being mostly done elsewhere, don't expect any further Megami Tensei work out of AGTP. No updated patch for SMT1, no back-porting of if...'s work into SMT2, no Majin Tensei 1. I'm done. To those who were looking forward to the aforementioned, I truly apologize. Maybe focus on cleaning up your community.

And now, I'm going on vacation.
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Major Release ~ Laplace's Demon Reaches v2.00
Laplace's Demon
# Posted on Sept. 6, 2018, 1:29 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

Today marks a massive update to the old infamously bad Laplace's Demon patch from 2001. The new version adds a completely re-edited script, fixes the issues with the text overwriting itself on-screen, fixes the out-of-order combat strings, throws in a new more typewritery font, expands item names and descriptions, and probably a lot more that I'm forgetting about. Granted, the old version was one of my very first forays into assembly-level hacking, so its crustiness at the time was somewhat understandable, but the new patch is a big enough change that I'm comfortable jumping the version number straight to v2.00. Enjoy!
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Major Release ~ Super Robot Wars Gaiden: The Elemental Lords
Super Robot Wars Gaiden
# Posted on May 21, 2018, 11:51 p.m. by Gideon Zhi

Today AGTP releases a complete translation for Super Robot Wars Gaiden: The Elemental Lords. This title details the very beginning of the saga surrounding Banpresto's first original Super Robot War character, and includes aboslutely no licensed units: the story and characters are all entirely original. The art style additionally is non-SD and the game includes several additional tactical elements not present in other SRW titles. It is, in fact, as ideal entrypoint as possible for anyone not familiar with the series.

The translation is complete and without any known issues. Enjoy!
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Major Release ~ The Great Battle 1-5 in Celebration of AGTP's 19th
The Great Battle | The Great Battle 2 - Last Fighter Twin | The Great Battle 3 | The Great Battle 4 | The Great Battle 5
# Posted on March 6, 2018, 11:12 p.m. by Gideon Zhi

On this day it's been 19 years since AGTP first opened its doors on PCPages, and we have five releases to celebrate!

A couple of months ago I was talking with TheMajinZenki and a few other folks about the English release of Super Robot Wars OG: The Moon Dwellers, and thinking that it might be nice for folks to have a little context for some of the more esoteric pulls from Banpresto's back catalog. We got it in our heads that it'd be a fun idea to do all five primary entries in Banpresto's old The Great Battle series, giving people a glimpse into the history of Fighter Roar, Compatible Kaiser, Dark Brain, and the rest, and we figured that since they were relatively small games individually that it wouldn't be all that tough to do. The job wasn't without challenges, but here we have it!

I'll be posting further updates about the states of various projects tomorrow, but for now I want to give these five games the spotlight. Enjoy!

Major Release ~ Dark Half released
Dark Half
# Posted on May 24, 2015, 10:52 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

Long has been the wait for a completed Dark Half translation, we've pulled it off! Dark Half is one of the games that first intrigued me when I started romhacking, and I consider it a privilege to have been able to give it the treatment it deserves. It's a unique game with an interesting plot and some unusual gameplay mechanics, and it's (hopefully) bug free! Enjoy!
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Major Release ~ Lagrange Point, now available!
Lagrange Point
# Posted on Oct. 22, 2014, 6:07 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

It's been more than a decade in the making, but Lagrange Point is finally available! I don't really have much else to say that isn't in the readme or on the game's project page, so I'll keep this short. Enjoy!
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Major Release ~ Super Robot Wars 2... twofer! Happy non-denominational holiday!
Super Robot Wars 2
# Posted on Dec. 23, 2013, 10:47 p.m. by Gideon Zhi

As Banpresto celebrates the announcement of SRW Z3 and a high-definition remake of the very first SRW, so too does Aeon Genesis. Launching today is the English version of Super Robot Wars 2 for the NES, with a heaping plateful of extras! Included is the previously-advertised optional music persistence patch as well as a patch that will completely remove the hack should you decide you don't like it. But wait, that's not all! Thanks to RHDN music guru optomon, we've replaced the awkwardly muzaky Tobe! Gundam theme song with Gallant Char, the track used in for UC units in SRW3, EX, and 4. As with music persistence, this patch is entirely optional, comes with a removal patch, and can be applied with any combination of the translation and music persistence patch, or it can just be applied on its own!

As if that weren't enough, all this is releasing alongside a similarly-complete translation for the officially-emulated version of Super Robot Wars 2 on the GameBoy Advance!! I've managed to insert the NES translation into the Famicom Mini version of the game that was released in limited quantities as a promotional contest item. It's probably inferior to the NES version, but hey, more options! Good stuff. Music Persistence and Gallant Char are both fully functional with the FamiMini version of the game as well, and are included as optional patches (and removal patches) with the translation. Now, this hasn't been tested extensively, and might be prone to weird issues that may or may not be caused by the translation. It's really hard to tell, and honestly it was thrown together pretty quickly as a what-if effort. Please report issues and findings on The Pantheon.
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Published OnDec. 29, 1990
Initial ReleaseMarch 5, 2018
Latest ReleaseMarch 5, 2018
Current Version1.00