Progress ~ State of Super Robot Wars 4
Super Robot Wars 4
# Posted on Dec. 14, 2024, 2:41 p.m. by Gideon Zhi

It's been a while since the last update on Super Robot Wars 4, and while it isn't ready for playtesting yet it's come quite a long way! Stage titles are sorted, the edit is complete, a number of crashes have been resolved, the encyclopedias are alphabetized, and name entry for expanded names is fully functional (at least, according to my ticketing tool.) What really remains is the karaoke mode, the opening and ending credits, the animation on the title screen, and a few other miscellaneous smaller localization things to bring nomenclature for Dunbine and L-Gaim in line with recent SRW releases. The title screen and karaoke modes are definitely nontrivial tasks, however, and they're currently the major blockers.

I'll hopefully have more news for you soon! For now, enjoy a screen capture depicting the fabulous Pinkgust.
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Progress ~ The promised GDLeen Update
GD Leen
# Posted on Dec. 12, 2024, 9:36 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

Hey everyone, there's a lot to talk about and plenty of more news to come, but for now I'm going to kick things off with recent progress on GD Leen for Super Famicom. Since last update, most of the reverse-engineering work has been completed and what's left should be more or less known quantities; that leaves us with script translation. I've updated the project's page with a new description and new screenshots, a few of which are attached below. Some of the text is still very much placeholder, but at the very least it shows what the new menus are capable of.

On an unrelated note, you may notice that links in the nav bar in the upper right now point to Bluesky. The discussion links attached to earlier newsposts will remain untouched but future news will be echoed on my Blueksy account, so if you want to hop in on discussing news that's the place to do it. At some point in the next little but I'll probably be looking to add an rss feed or something similar over the next little bit for those want to use a newsreader or something similar.
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Progress ~ Is this thing still on?
GD Leen
# Posted on March 10, 2023, 10:46 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

Hey everyone, this is just a minor update. Partly posting to show some progress on GDLeen, partly posting to see if twitter integration is broken.

GDLeen's script is dumped, and needs a translator! Interested? Please reach out!
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Progress ~ Super Robot Wars 4 Progress Report
Super Robot Wars 4
# Posted on March 10, 2021, 9:29 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

Hi folks, dropping word on how SRW4 has progressed since the last time it received an update on the site. So 2020 happened, and well, things slowed down quite a lot on my end. The game lets you name your hero, their love interest, and their robot; in order to get the full names stored they've been expanded from 6 letters for player names to 10, and 8 letters for robot names to 12. There were issues with expanded name variables causing the game to crash when the player's character finally gets their robot halfway through the game - these have been solved and the defaults now work great, though name entry itself is still a little busted.

Fei, additionally, has been splitting his time between SRW4 and other projects, but has since completed editing the game's Super Robot route. There's a fair bit of text shared between the Super and Real routes, so hopefully it will be easier on him. In addition, there are a number of technical issues remaining in the backlog - the episode title overlays when starting maps, the CRITICAL indicator in battle animations, the aforementioned name entry issues, the title screen, the end credits, the karaoke mode, etc. For all that, the game itself is playable from start to finish more or less in English. We aren't in last-mile territory but it's looking pretty good, all things considered!
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Progress ~ Super Robot Wars 4 Script Translation Complete
Super Robot Wars 4
# Posted on Nov. 21, 2019, 2:10 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

Hi all, just dropping a quick note to say that Super Robot Wars 4's script retranslation has completed. It still needs editing and there are still 25 or so technical issues open in my task tracker (most of which involve tidying up menus) so there's still quite a bit left to do, but this is still a major milestone!

Progress ~ Hero Chronicle enters editing
Hero Chronicle
# Posted on Sept. 12, 2019, 6:08 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

Hero Chronicle has reached a fairly major milestone, with very nearly all of the menu work now being done. There are a handful of tickets I've opened on my bug and task tracker; updates to those tickets, as usual, will be mirrored to the Discord server as they happen. I've handed the game off for editing and expect primary beta testing to begin in another couple of months. I've added a few snapshots to the game's slideshow as well.
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Progress ~ SRW 4 Status Update
Super Robot Wars 4
# Posted on Aug. 6, 2019, 6:55 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

Hi everyone, I'm just dropping a note here about where SRW4 is and where it's going. Zenki and I made quite a lot of progress early in the year - we're both at roughly the 2/3s mark for hacking and translation - but we've both also stalled out since to external obligations, so it's going a little bit more slowly than I'd hoped. In the meantime, I'm attaching a few screenshots of current progress on name entry. It's mostly done; I've expanded character name input out to 10 characters per name instead of 6, and robot name input out to 12.
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Progress ~ Super Robot Wars 3 v2.0 Beta
Super Robot Wars 3
# Posted on June 3, 2019, 5:33 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

The new version of the Super Robot Wars 3 translation has recently entered private betatesting. The screenshot slideshow on the project's page has been updated to reflect progress on the new version, but be advised that this new version is not publicly available yet.
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Progress ~ AGTP Turns 20 - Announcements, Updates, Cancellations
Granhistoria | Star Ocean: Blue Sphere | Super Robot Wars 3 | Super Robot Wars 4
# Posted on Feb. 21, 2019, 5:06 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

Even though AGTP officially celebrates its anniversary on March 7th each year, as that marks the date that the site found its way to PCPages, it initially launched on Angelfire on February 21st 1999. That makes AGTP twenty years old today. As such, I thought it might be nice to give an overall update on where a number of things stand.

First, I'm announcing that AGTP is picking up Granhistoria. Note that the project descrpition is just a placeholder (for now.) Progress-wise, Liana (Metal Max Returns) translated the script some years ago but wants to give it a going-over, and there are still some menu-related things to work out, but it's in reasonably good shape.

Second, I'm announcing that the projects for 3x3 Eyes, Fire Emblem, Goemon 2, Sutte Hakkun, and Romancing SaGa 2 are being cancelled. Of these, Romancing SaGa 2 is officially available commercially in English, Goemon 2 has a very promising project in the works by somebody else, Sutte Hakkun and 3x3 Eyes were finished by other groups, and Fire Emblem both has other English options available and suffered a similar fate as the SNES Super Robot War games with questionable script translation decisions. I apologize to anyone who was looking forward to these, but please be assured that there are other options available for all of them.

Lastly, an update on priorities for the year. Super Robot Wars 3's script edit is well on track for completion before the end of spring, and SRW4's script retranslation is roughly 37% complete by string volume. I've replaced the screenshot slideshow on the SRW4 page with new images reflecting current work. Following these two, my priorities for the year in approximate order of importance are Star Ocean Blue Sphere, Metal Max 2, Hero Chronicle, and Ladystalker.

It's been a a long road and I honestly don't know if I have another 20 years in me, but for the moment I'm going to keep plugging away. Look for more good news soon!
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Progress ~ Super Robot Wars EX Enters Playtesting, Plus SRW 3 and 4
Super Robot Wars EX | Super Robot Wars 4 | Super Robot Wars 3
# Posted on Dec. 4, 2018, 1:55 p.m. by Gideon Zhi

I'm writing today to inform everyone that the Super Robot Wars EX script has been doublechecked and edited, and that playtesting has begun in earnest. Hopefully it won't be long before we can release the patch.

I've begun the process of backporting SRW EX's code to SRW3. Though the dialog itself is (mostly) fine, the terminology is in dire need of an update. Further, as EX shows, it could look a lot better than it does. SRW3's script was translated by a different person than EX, 4, and Gaiden's and I trust his work, so the process of getting 3 done should be simpler and faster than EX's.

Since the SRW4 script basically needs to be junked, I've redumped it so it'll be easier to reinsert. TheMajinZenki (JoJo, SRW 2, all five Great Battle games, SRW Advance Portable, etc) has begun translating, but if anyone wants to lend a hand, please don't hesitate to reach out via email or on the Discord server.
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Esper Dream 2
Published OnJune 26, 1992
Initial ReleaseSept. 12, 2006
Latest ReleaseSept. 12, 2006
Current Version1.00