Super Robot Wars 4
# Posted on Dec. 14, 2024, 2:41 p.m. by Gideon Zhi
It's been a while since the last update on Super Robot Wars 4, and while it isn't ready for playtesting yet it's come quite a long way! Stage titles are sorted, the edit is complete, a number of crashes have been resolved, the encyclopedias are alphabetized, and name entry for expanded names is fully functional (at least, according to my ticketing tool.) What really remains is the karaoke mode, the opening and ending credits, the animation on the title screen, and a few other miscellaneous smaller localization things to bring nomenclature for Dunbine and L-Gaim in line with recent SRW releases. The title screen and karaoke modes are definitely nontrivial tasks, however, and they're currently the major blockers.
I'll hopefully have more news for you soon! For now, enjoy a screen capture depicting the fabulous Pinkgust.
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Holy Umbrella: Dondera's Wild!!
Platform | SNES |
Genre | Platformer |
Publisher | Naxat Soft |
Published On | Sept. 29, 1995 |
Initial Release | Nov. 2, 2009 |
Latest Release | Nov. 2, 2009 |
Current Version | 1.00 |