# Posted on April 4, 2018, 9:20 a.m. by Gideon Zhi
Hi everyone,
There's an awful lot to talk about, an awful lot that's happened in the last few years that the site has been silent. Some of that's personal and isn't really appropriate for this feed, but there's a ton of news on a bunch of different projects that needs to get shared, and a number of pages on the site are a little creaky with age as well. So for the next little while I'll be posting updates on Mondays and on Thursdays with project news, with site infrastructure updates as they occur.
For today, you'll note that I've removed the "wanted" link from the hotbar; the information in it was old and misleading, it was an extremely manual process to keep it up to date, and in general it is no longer needed. I've replaced it with an invite link to the Aeon Genesis discord. The rules are basically the same as the forum rules.
Of particular note is that several years ago I set up a task and bug tracker, and I've grown to greatly appreciate tickets in the system for keeping track of what needs to be done on a given project. The task lists aren't exhaustive (in particular, one game only has two tasks: "translate the script" and "insert the script") but more get added as projects mature. Additionally, any updates to tickets on public projects are echoed to a channel on the discord. Consider the site to be big-picture news, while the ticket feed is much more fine-grain. You won't see individual bug fix updates on the website, but if you're interested in following the day-to-day, the discord is the way to go.
More soon!
Platform | SNES |
Genre | RPG |
Publisher | Squaresoft |
Published On | Sept. 2, 1994 |
Initial Release | Dec. 25, 2001 |
Latest Release | May 28, 2008 |
Current Version | 2.00 |