Rejoice - Another Aretha Kingdom
# Posted on May 17, 2011, 10:58 a.m. by Gideon Zhi
Here at Aeon Genesis, we're big fans of action/rpgs, and Rejoice is an ideal specimen! Since last Friday I've gone through and completely hacked all of the non-dialog stuff in the game, thanks in no small part to the work of everyone on RHDN's language board. The entire script has been reinserted as well, though it *is* prone to crashing. I've tossed a whole bunch of new screenshots up onto the project's page, as well as a couple of videos showcasing the opening sequence and some gameplay. Check 'em out!
Ys V - Kefin, Lost City of Sand
# Posted on May 12, 2011, 12:06 p.m. by Gideon Zhi
You can guess which is which.
Ladystalker - The Apocalypse Engine
# Posted on April 11, 2011, 5:52 p.m. by Gideon Zhi
More news soon.
Adventures of Hourai High
# Posted on Feb. 2, 2011, 11:24 a.m. by Gideon Zhi
Yeah, so I wanted this out on Christmas. It was supposed to be the big surprise, the awesome gift nobody was expecting. Grumble grumble. Turns out that even though the beta had started about a week before the big day, there were a *ton* of issues with the hacking that made the game explode in all sorts of creative ways. This is largely due to the way the game was put together in the first place (sloppily.)
But I think we're finally nearing the end! One of the testers finished up not too long ago, and I think we've finally resolved the last of the crashes and cosmetic bugs. I think. No guarantees, but I'm expecting to be able to release this fairly soon.
To showcase some of the rather extensive hacking that's gone into this, I've put together a little before-and-after article on the project. It will be forever immortalized in the game's Extras section, so please peruse it! There are about thirty new screenshots on the project page, too.
Also, here's a youtube video of the game in action.
# Posted on Dec. 26, 2010, 9:42 p.m. by Gideon Zhi
So it's probably pretty obvious by now that we've run into some difficulties with the holiday release gambit thing. The playtest for the game I'd hoped to release last weekend hasn't finished yet - it's been slow going, and has been plagued by a *lot* of issues, crashes, and the like. The third game I haven't even managed to start playtesting yet, and I've just uncovered a not insubstantial amount of text that still needs to be translated. The main story mode is done, but the rest of it... well. Might as well come out and say it - this third title was supposed to be Super Puzzle Puyo, Too. Along with the standard adventure mode (which I think we're calling "Rulue's Mad Grab for Power") it comes packed with the standard Endless Mode, a puzzle editor, a chain tutorial, and a message from Act Against Aids, none of which have even really been touched. Oops.
So, sorry. We tried! But I'm still hoping to release the second game ("something old") on or about the new year. At least two of my betatesters are at least halfway through, and the current build seems dramatically more stable than the last... er, six. Still hoping for a surprise on that one, so no reveal yet.
I'll post some pictures of Puyo at some point, maybe, if I can find anything worth showing off that hasn't already been posted. Most of the recent progress has been end-of-game dialog edits though, so I don't know if extra screens will be possible.
I'm going to try to relax for the next few days. I'm supposed to be on vacation, and it's been a busy week already. I need at least a few days to just veg and not have to think about anything!
# Posted on Dec. 18, 2010, 10:21 a.m. by Gideon Zhi
So, in two weeks' time, it will be the new year. Time flies! And unfortunately, Aeon Genesis STILL only has one release this year. This simply will not do! As such, I'm announcing The Great Holiday Release Gambit. It's like an advent calendar, except there are only three doors and they open much less frequently.
I have three things I want to release by the end of the year. The first is Ancient Magic. Its playtest ended within the last few days, and I'm just now fixing up the last of the issues. I'm hoping to have it out in the next five hours or so.
The second game has just entered betatesting, and I'm hoping to have it out in a week's time, give or take. The third, in another week. This last one I can't make any concrete promises on; I still have about half the script to edit and a bunch more hacking to do before it's done, but it doesn't look like it's anywhere near as beastly as the last few games have been.
Tonight's clue is not so much "Something old, something new" as it is "Something old, something really old, and something waaaay older than even that last one, no, seriously." All three games are substantially beefy, and I don't think many people will be disappointed with the results should the Great Gambit succeed.
See you in a few hours, hopefully, after the last Ancient Magic fixes are implemented! (Note: Screenshots unrelated.)
Ancient Magic
# Posted on Dec. 15, 2010, 5:53 p.m. by Gideon Zhi
Release is imminent. Like, within-the-next-24-ish-hours imminent. I hope. I'm still hoping to get three more patches out this year, and this is one of 'em! There's still time!
Super Puzzle Puyo, Too!
# Posted on Sept. 2, 2010, 8:39 p.m. by Gideon Zhi
So here's one there hasn't been any news on in a while! Years, in fact! Tonight, I did some tinkering with Super Nazo Puyu Tsuu (or, as we'll probably be calling it, "Super Puzzle Puyo, Too!") I'd say that progress is astounding enough to warrant a full site update, and not just a twitter post. The full main dialog script has been inserted, whereas before only about two thirds of it had found its way into the game. The project has been brought up to date with current tools (instead of tools from, say, 2003 or earlier) and roughly half of the script has been edited. No work on the menu systems yet, though they shouldn't pose too much of a problem. I've also added 23 new screenshots to the game's project page, a link to which you can find at the top of this post. As usual I can't say when it'll be done, other than "soon, I hope."
Ancient Magic
# Posted on Aug. 24, 2010, 2:43 p.m. by Gideon Zhi
Ugh, this game's programming is one horrible spaghetti mess! But it's finally in playtesting, which means that the end is in sight. Have a copy of the new title screen, and of one of the tougher issues (fade-in sprite text stored nine times in the rom! Ugh.)
Ancient Magic
# Posted on May 1, 2010, 8:35 a.m. by Gideon Zhi
A few days ago I finally managed to get Ancient Magic's auto-format routine working nearly 100%. What this means, in effect, is that I add a single control code at the start of a string, and the game itself adds line breaks where appropriate. This is complicated by Ancient Magic's text system for two reasons. First, there is no standard "line break" command like most games have; instead, the game has a "print cursor position" command, which takes X and Y parameter bytes. Second, the routine likes to recursively call itself, most notably to differentiate between the speech patterns of the male and female main characters. These have been fully retained in the text translation, and the routine is currently navigating said recursive jumps with about 98% accuracy. Of course we need 100%, but it's really cool to see nonetheless.
The *nice* thing about the super annoying Cursor Position command is that it lets me tweak menus like crazy, and take advantage of the double-spacing that ten-ten marks usually occupy. I've also managed to add max hp and max mp indicators to the battle window, which the original game did not have!
I don't know how much longer this will take, but I'd like to have it being playtested in a week or two. No guarantees on that, of course.
Shin Megami Tensei: if...
Platform | SNES |
Genre | RPG |
Publisher | Atlus |
Published On | Oct. 28, 1994 |
Initial Release | Oct. 25, 2018 |
Latest Release | Oct. 25, 2018 |
Current Version | 1.00 |