Announcement ~ Resurrection of Dark Half
Dark Half
# Posted on Feb. 21, 2015, 3:32 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

Those of you who follow me on Twitter have known about this for a while, but today I'm making it official: Dark Half is now an Aeon Genesis translation. This is actually a semi-continuation of the work done by SirYoink on the game over the last fifteen years or so; while I've completely redone the hacking, the script translation is (roughly) the same and was done by the same person, Eien ni Hen. And yes, the script translation is both done and well-written, so no need for a lengthy editing process.

Dark Half is an interesting beast. On a hacking difficulty scale from 1 to 10 I'd probably rate it about a 6 or 7. The graphics compression is kind of weird and nasty, requiring a creative workaround, and the script has a lot of complicated flow-control embedded in it. That said it isn't anything I haven't dealt with before, and it's handled. The remaining issues will hopefully be fairly simple; they have been so far. The game gets more and more stable every day. It's not going to be ready next week, but I'm cautiously optimistic that it'll be done before summer.
Screenshot Screenshot

Star Fox 2
Published OnNone
Initial ReleaseOct. 7, 2004
Latest ReleaseOct. 7, 2004
Current Version1.00