Progress ~ Ys 5 Can Now Be Beaten
Ys V - Kefin, Lost City of Sand
# Posted on Oct. 30, 2013, 10:44 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

Back in May, I quietly discovered several reasons that Ys 5's translation was crashing the game. I counted at least 60 such bugs, all of which caused the game to die in horrible ways, and despite having those fixed for his most recent playthrough in the last couple of weeks Deuce still encountered over a dozen more crashes, several of which required modification to compressed assembly code, which is really nasty business. Regardless, the game can now be beaten without it crashing, and as sad as it may sound this is a massive step forward for the project.

Unfortunately, this is not to say that the game is done, or even close. The text still needs to be edited, there is still a large amount of menu work that needs to be done, and some of the game's visual effects are broken. Examples of the broken stuff will be found in my twitter gallery, but the game's gallery page has been updated with 23 fresh screenshots of functional text.

This is one of a few projects I'd like to have done by the end of the year. Due to a variety of circumstances (including a job hunt) I'm not sure if that's going to be possible, but it'd certainly be nice!
Screenshot Screenshot

Published OnMarch 18, 1994
Initial ReleaseMay 13, 2004
Latest ReleaseMay 13, 2004
Current Version1.00