Magical Drop 2
# Posted on April 9, 2018, 4:33 a.m. by Gideon Zhi
Today I'm going to be talking a bit about Magical Drop 2. The translation is complete and the game is now fully playable in English, end to end! But I'm not releasing it just yet, primarily because it is currently available for purchase - yes, with the English translation applied - as part of the Data East Classics Collection from Retro-bit. That's right: we've been licensed! I've ticked the progress counter on the project page up to 99 (it doesn't go any higher for projects without downloads) and updated the screenshots to showcase current work. From here I need to ask for some patience while I figure out where Magical Drop 2's future lies.
Magical Drop 2
# Posted on April 14, 2012, 3:29 a.m. by Gideon Zhi
This has been in the works for a pretty long time; a quick check reveals an early alpha version dating back to January '08, but it's come a long way since. Really fun stuff! The script, though small, needs editing, and there's an awful lot of graphics to replace. The screenshots both below and on the project page show current progress on that front, which if I do say so myself looks really, really good. There isn't really too much else to say about this except that it'll be done when it's done, which is a function both of time constraints and motivation/exhaustion.
Star Fox 2
Platform | SNES |
Genre | Shooter |
Publisher | [Unpublished] |
Published On | None |
Initial Release | Oct. 7, 2004 |
Latest Release | Oct. 7, 2004 |
Current Version | 1.00 |