Progress ~ Major Progress on Royal Stone
Royal Stone
# Posted on April 25, 2013, 9:20 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

Just dropping a quick word about Royal Stone's recent dramatic progress. In the last few weeks TheMajinZenki, who you might know as the translator for the recent JoJo's patch, has been tearing through the game's script. All of the text unrelated to the actual progression of the story has been inserted, though admittedly only about 90% of it works correctly at the moment. He's also translated roughly the first two thirds of the main story dialog; I've edited and inserted about half of that. I've also done a huge pile of work on the technical aspects of the project, including cracking the compression the game uses for its introduction and its combat menus, as well as the sprite data it uses for pause menus. The game is currently playable with only minor issues through Round 5, and all this in the space of a couple of weeks!

I've taken 24 screenshots, some of which you may recognize but most of which are new. With a little luck I should have more news for you soon!
Screenshot Screenshot

PublisherGame Arts
Published OnJan. 12, 1996
Initial ReleaseDec. 17, 2009
Latest ReleaseDec. 17, 2009
Current Version1.00