Miscellaneous ~ Aeon Genesis will be at PAX East this April
# Posted on Feb. 15, 2012, 10:27 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

If you're going to be at PAX East too, you can join us! I'm going to be running a Thing in the Classic Games Freeplay Room at some point over the weekend, but I'm not exactly sure when yet. I'll be taking questions on the process and on progress, there will be trivia, a chance to play some of our stuff on a real console, and with a little luck and some elbow grease, at least two secret projects making their debut, one of which I'm sure a lot of people will be frothing for, IF you get my meaning! I'm not the only one who'll be there, too; Niahak (of the "Jesus: Dreadful Bio-Monster" NES translation) will be there, Excellen (SRW Alpha Gaiden translator extraordinaire) might be there, and while I can't promise anything, we just might have MathOnNapkins, who's writing a replacement for the Hyrule Magic editor for The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.

I'll try to post details here as they arrive, but more likely than not I won't have anything else until after the convention starts. We're going to try to make it so that it doesn't interfere with much similar stuff, but there's always something interesting going on, so it's going to be tough. If you're following me on Twitter you'll get up-to-the-minute news about our mini-event as it happens, too.

As for the site itself, I have updates on at least one or two other projects of High Interest that need to get posted, but I want to space out updates some, so that'll come in the next couple of days. Enjoy the wait!

PublisherNihon Falcom
Published OnDec. 29, 1995
Initial ReleaseNov. 28, 2013
Latest ReleaseNov. 28, 2013
Current Version1.00