Miscellaneous ~ And now for something completely different.
# Posted on May 22, 2010, 1:16 p.m. by Gideon Zhi

I was browsing YouTube a month or so ago for silly House of the Dead 2 stuff when I came across a band named after the game's infamous "Suffer, like G did" line. The recordings were shaky cams of live performances and weren't of very good quality, but the band has since released a three-track EP which you can download on their website. I've been taken completely aback by their stuff, as it's actually really good! Very jazzy. So yeah, this is a plug. Grab the EP (it's free) and if you like them, then spread the word.

Ball Bullet Gun
Published OnDec. 1, 1995
Initial ReleaseOct. 2, 2004
Latest ReleaseOct. 2, 2004
Current Version1.00