Progress ~ SRW Gaiden - Technicals Mostly Resolved
Super Robot Wars Gaiden
# Posted on Oct. 4, 2007, 1:28 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

Just dropping a quick note to say that most of the technical issues in SRW Gaiden have been resolved. There are still some bad strings and/or crashes, occasionally, and the menu system needs quite a lot of textual work, but none of it should prove very challenging. The biggest "issue" is that speaker portraits garble when a unit gets destroyed. Not sure why, just yet.

Here are some snaps of working battle sequence text.
Screenshot Screenshot

Sylvan Tale
Published OnJan. 27, 1994
Initial ReleaseApril 19, 2001
Latest ReleaseSept. 8, 2001
Current Version1.01