Shodai Nekketsu Kouha is often misnomered as River City Ransom 2, but that's not quite right. Kunio and Riki actually gain experience, RPG-style, as well as equip weapons and use items that their enemies drop, learning new moves and special skills, but there's no money - so you can't buy anything. That said, there's a day/night cycle implemented into the game, and certain places are only open at certain times of the day. You can also play some minigames to earn some extra items!
The story involves Kunio's gang from Nekketsu High being invited to a vacation in Osaka by an exchange student. On his way to the hotel, however, Kunio is ambushed by thugs! He quickly learns of the Osaka Student Union, a gang of highschoolers intent on taking over Japan! This obviously won't do, so gut-punching ensues!
It's pretty much done! Hooray!